A few days I've put some effort in making this post on Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum. I've got some nice responses on that post, so I thought it would be nice to post the pictures here as well. I know it's no 40K terrain, but it might work for some inspiration.
Here are a few photos the Mordheim city I have built some time ago with my gaming group.
Unfortunately I found out that I only have a few of it. Wish I had made more, because there were some nice buildings in it:
We had the standard Mordheim buildings, a few made from balsa, a chaos temple created from the older 40K ruins, a well, a wizard tower, a fortified tower (made from the tower from the old "Battle Masters" game), a gate house and even a arena for the pit fighters.
Here's a small overview where you can see some of the buildings
A closeup in one of the buildings (the largest actually as a friend went wild with balsa!
A compilation pic of the fortified mansion with tower
A compilation pic of the gate house
So it was not much, but I hope you get the idea and still like it. Smile For more pics I will have to unpack the city, which is in boxes in a friends garage, so maybe somewhere in the future.