Me and 02 Laney tried a new idea for a game which uses rules from both Warhammer 40k and death squads, the basic idea for the game is the defender as a small independant squad of units which has to kill all of the attackers or survive a number of turns (decided with turn number dice from the games workshop dice cube), the attackers have to annihilate there enemys, defnders always start. The Attackers use basic warhammer 40k rules whereas the defender uses warhammer 40k stats, can shhot at any model and still moves the same as warhammer 40k but other ten that uses usual death squads rules such as seeing if the model dies, goes onto their front or goes onto their back.
During our battle Laney launched everything his Terminators had at me...
and managed to kill two genestealers
, unfortunatley for him The infurated brood of hungry genestealers (lead by their ravenous Broodlord) leaped into battle with the terminators in my first turn, because of the death squads rule of rolling for survival it took alot of attacks to kill any of his terminators. We were nearing the last few turns when I managed to get my gaunts and rippers to join the battle and The Tyranids finally achieved voctory over the space marines in the few remaining turns thatw were left of the game.