It was August 16, 2008. DaBank and I wanted to play Space Hulk... which had not been played in a decade. He had some paper tiles, and I had Genestealers and Terminators. We met, and before we set up he asked... "Do you mind if we use Guardsmen instead of Terminators? I want to do this like the movie Aliens!" My reply? "Sure! But I don't like the stating movement of the Action Points (AP)... do you mind if we just set some standard movement, like in Mordheim?" His reply? "Sure! We need some stats... " We laughed, "I got you covered!"
We played two games that night... making rules as we go. DaBank played 10 IGs and I played 20 Genestealers. The IG's on the table, bugs on blips. We also played 'Labyrinth' map, each putting a random tile on their turn. Each turn went as follow.
1) IG placed a random tile and move as normal. If a blip (represented by a yellow bead) was within direct (unobstructed) LoS, roll a D6. On a 4+ the bead was a Genestealer; if not, the blip removed.
2) Genestealers rolled a D6 blip counters per entrance point (we had 3). Player moved each bead as a 'normal' Genestealer. If IG became in direct (unobstructed) LoS, roll a D6. On a 4+ the bead was a Genestealer; if not, the blip removed.
3) Turns repeated until all models from one side were dead.
I had unlimited beads, so there was a point there was over 40 beads on the table, all moving rapidly toward the IGs... but NOBODY knew if they were 'real' or not. At the end, the bugs prevailed... com'on! It was 20 Genestealer vs. 10 IGs... they were doomed! HA!
Here are some historical pictures.
From there, we started. First, we wanted to make rules for our board game... which turned into a skirmish... which turned to an adaptation of Mordheim... which merged Necromunda and Gorkamorka... which turn on a game of its own, with original rules, balanced game mechanics and so on. Death Squads was born!
For more OLD Death Squads pictures visit:
Space Marine Dance!