Thanks again for your reply to my rules question. It will allow me to move forward with my squad and hopefully field them soon!
My gaming group is located in Minnesota. We've been playing 40k off and on since 2nd edition. We field the following armies on the regular: Grey Knights, Space Marines (custom), Dark Angels, Tau, Eldar, Tyranid, Necron. We used to have a player that would field Chaos, but he's been out of the hobby for almost a decade now.
But we haven't broken into the 6th edition yet.
We also play some table top RPGs and a few MMOs.
So skirmish games in 40k will combine some of our favorite things about the games we play. We were thinking about Inquisitor, but the nice thing about Deathsquads is that it allows players to focus on their lists rather than having a dedicated GM. Although we've toyed around with the idea of having a floater NPC list around that we could play against other squads for more of a narrative feel, rather than playing against the same squads all the time.
So aside from 40k, we haven't dove too deeply into other game systems. Anything you'd strongly recommend?
Thanks again for the rules question answer as well as the welcome. Hope to be contributing sooner than later.
Take care.