I recently ran into this beauty:
Batman Miniature Game by Knight Models. The rules are free to download, but also still in an early stage: they're translated from Spanish and not very expertly so.
That said, there's some very interesting concepts in the game. You can play as Batman & cops, Joker & Gang, Penguin & Gang... etc etc. It's always night during games, so visibility is topped at 30 cm (some characters can see in the dark). Great for sneaking.
Every character has got a unit card with several action counters, which you can distribute to certain actions, such as move, attack, defend, etc, all depending on the situation. The amount of counters gives you extra dice, or adds modifiers, so it's a rather important decision. The more damage you take, the less counters you get.
The models are INSANELY beautiful, not to mention painted by some sort of godlike creature that can't possibly be human.
My usual Infinity distributor has chucked in a free Batman mini for me to try. I'm definitely going to try this game!