which considered my dice rolls may just happen
i'll try and think of some names shortly
i'm using a mix of bretonnian and cadian and ork bitz..so the end product will be.......interesting to say the least
ok here go they characters
romus= leader of this particular band of pit fighters,romus was taken from a feral world to fitght in the pits of arcanus.
Payne=chaos seargeant one of the generals handpicked men sent to make sure these pit scum do want the general wants
lynch=chaos seargeant another one of the generals men
Cprl sergei=formerly a memeber of the Arcanus PDF,sergei makes sure that the generals orders are carrired out(apostate preacher)
Godri ironarm=enforcer, romus's loyal liutenenat all godri wants is to return to his home world and go back to his farm